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Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Original Articles Have Been Stolen -- AGAIN!

OK, so, who the h*ll is Phillip Wiskell and what the h*ll is HIS name doing on MY horse breed articles that I wrote during Sept-Nov 2008?

Yes, that is true. I have been trying for a YEAR to get the buyer of my 70 horse breed articles that I blogged about in December to send me the link to MY writing that he said he was going to post on under my name in the articles section. He has never responded back to me even after repeated requests to two of his email addresses. Why? Because he never posted them on HorseClicks at all, and certainly not under my name anywhere, but rather under someone else's name somewhere else without my permission and without telling me of the change in plans!

This is the second time that my hard work has been all for naught, as far receiving proper credit for authorship has been concerned.

The first time, well, read the very first article in my blog archive for THAT horror story, which is why this blog exists. I tried to avoid that issue with this buyer, only to end up not having my name on any of them at all! I very carefully explained that I wanted my name on them for, which he said he would do, but that I did not want them distributed willy-nilly across the internet to untraceable blogs under my name IF they were using that "paragraph scrambler software" that my first buyer used. Well, they were NOT using that kind of mass distribution software, so putting my name on would have been fine.

After all, I am proud of my work, and since I do my best to give a client a quality product, you'd think that the least they could do is give proper credit where credit is due. Even letting me know the pseudonym he chose for the article would have been a reasonable gesture, though it would have nice if it had been a female name. That is, assuming it is actually a pseudonym, and not an outright theft of the authorship of my articles.

Well, great... just great!
Scrambled paragraphs with someone else's ESL phrases mixed in are still all over the internet with my name on them. But my high quality, unchanged, unedited works are all over the internet and yet attributed to somebody else. *sigh*

What a great way to establish one's self as a writer, eh? Have the buyers of your articles jerk you around; mess with your writing; and then attribute the good stuff to themselves and the trash to you... and good luck having any professional credibility at all after that. I think I know now why so many authors do use pseudonyms. It appears to be the only way to protect oneself from the poorly edited and embarrassing trash that some buyers inflict on authors.

The links below are to MY articles (but with Philip's name) and I can prove they are mine with the link to RAC showing that I was awarded the project for writing those articles. Just click the title of this post to see that project description and its history.

Of the 70 articles, these are the only ones I could find. He, or someone else, may have changed my titles to make it harder for me to locate them:

Heartbreaking, isn't it? If you are also a writer, you can understand the frustration of this situation better than a non-writer can. Non-writers just can't seem to fathom what all the fuss is about. But then, they are clueless about copyright issues, too, as they blithely continue their illegal downloads, and look at you with blank, puzzled faces when you try to explain why it's wrong.

Well, the only thing I can do now, aside from reporting the issue to the website to get his name off and mine put on (which I did), is to do what I had to do the first time my good name and credentials got trashed by the buyer: post every single article in the series here in my portfolio in order to re-claim my rightful authorship.

However, rather than post all 70 of them at once, I am going to post one every few days or so to make it easier on my subscribers. The first week will have daily articles just to get a few of them into my portfolio, and then the posts will be spread further apart. It may take several months to get through all of them, but at least they will be correctly attributed with my name on them. So far, they stretch out to May 2010 and I still have another 15 to upload and prepare for publishing, so they may stretch into July. I figure that the professional folks who are interested in my portfolio for the purpose of hiring me for a writing job won't have time to read every single article anyway, so it doesn't matter if they aren't all posted at once. But the first three posts that you will see are ones that lay a foundation for the rest of the articles.

A Sneak Preview with all my goofy, but informative, titles can be found in my archives here on my December 20th post, or you can cut and paste this link into your browser:

I will not be posting them in the same order as that list though. They will be random, just like a typical blog post. You never know what's coming next on those either.

Each article will also include linkbacks to the site they were originally written for, specifically to the individual breed-for-sale page that the article relates to. This way you will be able to see pictures of those horses that might interest you further. And I'm sure there will be a few horses you will have to see to believe! Gypsy Vanner, Fjord, Akhal-Teke, and Bashkir Curly come immediately to mind, and you may need other web sources to truly appreciate the beauty of these, and other, unusual and rarer breeds.

So, open the gate to your back yard and let these equines wander in as they appear in your neighborhood over the next few months. Look each newcomer over carefully, (but not in the mouth!) and either bed him down in a nice stall and keep him for life, or slap him on the rump and send him out to another corral.
