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Sunday, May 23, 2010

The 1 Tricky Weird Old Scam of a Tiny Belly

Hey, friends!

Ever wonder what is behind those "1 weird old tip to a tiny belly" ads that seem to be on every webpage you have hit in the last year?

Well, here's the skinny:

It's yet another weight loss scam that preys on those who are overweight, desperate and gullible and who refuse to believe that proper diet and exercise are the ONLY way to get out of that situation.


You shouldn't be by now if you've been paying attention to the true experts in the weight-loss business. Those are the ones who have NO weight-loss business at all! Yes, you read that correctly. The experts in weight-loss have nothing to sell you. They have your best interests at heart and are not after your money at all. Listen to the real experts, not the sham artists who are only in the weight-loss business for their own monetary gain, and your monetary weight-loss, which is only from your bank account. Yes, people with thinner wallets weigh less than those carrying fatter wallets, but it doesn't make them any healthier.

Anyway, check out this other blog that I stumbled upon today that exposes the true story in detail of that one weird old trick of advertising that traps you into an ongoing subscription for shipments of useless acai berry drinks that they apparently won't let you cancel without a hassle.

But to confuse matters further, some of those ads lead to training and nutrition programs, so there are some who think that the scammers have hijacked legitimate ads. So which weird old trick is the correct ad?

And remember that when you want to make an informed decision about anything, pay attention to this one old weird tip: FOLLOW THE MONEY!

If an "expert" has something to sell you, then s/he will say anything to get you to buy the most useless product, tape, book, food, concept, etc, possibly based on twisted statistics of "proven" studies at prestigious institutions that either don't exist at all or were paid for by the industry trying to sell it to you. So, put your money on the REAL expert, who will be helping you to keep your money in YOUR pocket, not theirs.

In a nutshell...use common sense, folks! If it's too good to be probably isn't true at all and someone just wants your money.

About Crystal Eikanger

Crystal Eikanger is a freelance writer, web designer, video editor and voice talent working as Ei-Kan Productions on as well as other freelance sites. Her personal webpage is a popular website filled with wonderful, wickless warmer gifts whether you like common scents, or uncommon fragrances, and has nothing to do with weight-loss products whatsoever.

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