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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The One Bug in PostworkShop 3 that Xycod REFUSES to Fix!

Yes, folks, it's true! Xycod, KFT has actually refused to fix a bug that is in every version of PostworkShop, from the very first revolutionary release, to the latest offering of the new and vastly improved PostworkShop 3.

Xycod has always been very responsive to users' requests for features and bug reports with excellent, fast, friendly, customer support, and the PostworkShop 3 development team is no different. Customer feedback is their driving force when it comes to making PostworkShop feature rich, yet this latest version is now easier to learn, simpler to use and much, much faster.

Within barely a month out the door from the PostworkShop 3 official public release, Xycod has released the latest software update "bug-fix" that makes the best even better! More powerful features, more workflow options, as well as accelerated styles. But what you won't find in this release, or in ANY future bug-fix release, is the "Creativity Bug" fix.

You all know it. You all have it. It's part of every PC and MAC owner's PostworkShop life. It's responsible for every first sale, and every upgrade purchase. As soon as you start the program for the very first time, you suddenly notice this bug, and you also notice that it just doesn't go away, either! Even after you shutdown the program, that bug persists! Even when the computer is turned off, and you have left the building, that bug is there, like a contagious virus, ready to infect the next person who opens the program for the first time, or the next time...

The Creativity Bug grips you every time you look at an image that you just downloaded out of your camera or that stock image you just bought off the internet. It's that age old "Wow! I think this image would look fantastic with that "Random Paint" style! I'll just add a little sepia over there, mask that section there for a more Antique look, and...oooh, I can't wait to get home and start working on this photo!"  You even find yourself wondering which PostworkShop Style, or combination of styles, was used on that painting in the doctor's waiting room, or on the restaurant wall, and you can't wait to get back to your computer to try to recreate that same effect.

So, why in the world would Xycod want to fix THAT bug, anyway?

The Creativity Bug...a necessary part of the artist's world that's reinforced in every PostworkShop 3 session...and a PostworkShop bug that no one has ever complained about.

With both a Standalone version, and a free plugin mode that works with Adobe Photoshop and as well as an external editor to Lightroom, along with over 300 adjustable style presets (and growing!) and  the ability to create custom styles, as well as sell your own original creations through Fotolia or other stock image sites, or even your own framed fine art prints, you can't IMAGINE the possibilities!

Check out the website below and start using the newest, easiest, fastest,PostworkShop 3 today. Get infected by the Creativity Bug that Xycod refuses to fix. :)

About Crystal Eikanger

Crystal Eikanger is a freelance writer, web designer, video editor and voice talent working as Ei-Kan Productions on as well as other freelance job sites. She has also been an avid PostworkShop fan since version 1 and uses it in video production. The Footage Firm is a popular stock footage website that periodically gives away HD and SD video collections as well as royalty free music, After Effects templates, and now Red One footage.

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