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Monday, December 22, 2008

Clueless Newbie Finds Secret of Getting the Best of Rent A Coder

When I was new at Rent A Coder (RAC), I had no idea what was going on. It was my first day and I saw the job ticker speeding along on the edge with a project on top that I thought I wanted. But it disappeared so fast that I had no clue where it went. And when it finally came around again, I had no clue how to get to it to find out more about it. When it came around a third time, I managed to grab it but of course, at that time, I was so new, I didn't even know you had to bid on them. I thought you just said, "Hi, I can do this. Here are my qualifications for it. Hire me!"

Fortunately, a buyer who preferred to give newcomers a chance whenever possible liked my voice and hired me. Of course, he had to tell me how to put a bid in the little box. Needless to say, that was a bit embarrassing. But that day I learned that there are some great people on Rent A Coder!

Well after that first taste of success so soon in my freelance career, my ego was bursting and I was thinking, "My friend was right! This place is easy to get jobs on!” Ha! Little did I know that winning that contract was actually a fluke because my approach was just not working with any other projects. I kept trying to place bids on great projects that I really wanted to do that ultimately got totally ignored because I was so clueless. And I was starting to get discouraged as I'm sure many newcomers do.

So, one day, I was idly poking around on RAC while feeling depressed, when I came across a link marked "Tools". The page was a list of products to help RAC buyers and coders. At the very top of that page was something called "RAC Success Videos" in the buyers' section? Of course, I wasn't a buyer, but then I saw it again in the coders' section, with the words "Would you be able to earn more money if you knew how to meet project deadlines better, acquire excellent ratings and comments and increase your chances of getting your bid accepted (even with a low average rating)?..."

Well, heck YES!! I certainly wanted to get my bids accepted so, I decided to check it out, downloaded the free trial from RACsuccess and I was so impressed with his tips that I bought the license.

I must say this has been the best investment I could have made to get the most out of my RAC experience.

The RACsuccess Package gives me the inside track on how to be a stand out among the competition when bidding on choice job contracts, or when needing to attract quality coders when I am the buyer of services. The RACsuccess Package is a fantastic collection of over 40 videos and information guides that give the inside scoop on how to be more successful in winning project contracts. Filled with tips, tricks and secrets, the RACsuccess Package is also an official Rent A Coder tool.

You see, RACsuccess was created with a single purpose in mind: They want people to succeed in RAC. And since Rent A Coder is undoubtedly today's most important meeting place between coders and buyers, the RACsuccess Package will help you utilize Rent a Coder to its full potential and to your best advantage.

With the years of experience that Luis Lazo, founder of RACsuccess, has had working on Rent A Coder, you get to benefit from it all. The information that he has gathered into a series of videos and guides, (one for buyers, one for coders) will improve the way you do projects and the way you hire coders. I was amazed at what I learned from the RACsuccess Package.

But don't take my word for it. Check out the free trial version of the RACsuccess Package yourself. And don't forget to sign up for the FREE 40 instructional videos that help you navigate the Rent A Coder website so you can use it easily and enhance your enjoyment of being a freelance employee on RAC.

About the Author:

The RACsuccess Package has really changed the way I do business on RAC. The secrets of how to succeed on Rent A Coderwhich Luis Lazo has so kindly revealed are now available to all of us buyers and coders.