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Friday, April 17, 2009

DIY Article - How To Repair Cracked Plaster

Summary: Plaster is a very durable and good-looking wall treatment, but inevitably, it develops cracks of various sizes that are usually fairly easy to repair. In this article you will learn how to repair cracked plaster, from the tiniest hairline cracks to the larger ones that are actually easier to fix than the smaller ones are.

There are many kinds of cracks that can occur in plaster and the various sizes have special ways in which they need to be dealt with, but there is a very basic technique common to repairing all cracks. Do not be tempted to just use your finger and some spackle to repair a crack. It may look good at first, but the cracks tend to show up again after you paint because spackle tends to shrink when it dries.

To read the rest of my article:

[Due to copyright agreement, I am unable to post my article here in its entirety.]