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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Community Forums Open the Door to Success

You know, there are some wonderful websites and informational packages out there that can help you grow your business; or that can help you learn how to be successful in Rent A Coder (RAC) and other similar places. But sometimes reading e-books and watching videos isn't enough. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone! You know, pick their brains.

Maybe you have an unusual situation that's not covered in anything you have found so far, but it seems like it would be common enough that you think it should be in your information somewhere. Maybe it is a completely unique business scenario and you need to bounce the details off of a few people for some advice on how to deal with it because you just are coming up empty on how to approach it in a professional manner.

Or maybe you just need an idea on how to post a specific kind of project on Rent A Coder, or an idea on how to complete a project that you got a little stuck on. Maybe you are looking for a specific kind of software package that will help you do a particular job, and you want to know what others have been using.

Or maybe you just want more things to read because your quest for knowledge on the subject is totally insatiable.

Well, RACsuccess has a great Community Forum of discussion boards that are designed to meet those needs. The forums, boards and threads are sorted out in such a way that you can quickly find what you are looking for without wasting precious time. And the best part, if a topic keeps coming up, and there is a need for it, that new information could become an update to the RACsuccess Package of how to do business with RAC. You can even suggest topics you'd like to see in the package, too.

Here are just some of the discussion boards available that you will find at the Community Forum on RACsuccess:

  • RACsuccess - Talk about matters related to RACsuccess

  • Formal arbitration and how to avoid it - What people think of the free 14-page report: "Arbitration and how to avoid it".

  • Rent a Coder - Talk about matters related to Rent a Coder as a buyer or as a coder or even about the site itself

  • Affiliates Meeting Place - meet and discuss concerns and marketing ideas with other RACsuccess affiliates.

  • Polls - see how many other people agree with you or want what you want

There is even an off-topic group of boards where you can:

  • Chat and socialize in a relaxed atmosphere rather than in the business environment of Rent A Coder.

  • Suggest other forums

  • Even advertise your own products or services

The beauty of having access to the RACsuccess Community Forum is that you are not alone. There's always someone in the boat with you helping you paddle along and navigate the Rent A Coder waters to the shores of successful freelance work.

About the Author:

The RACsuccess Community Forum is one of the most important meeting places for coders and buyers of Rent A Coder.