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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Open the Door to Success in RAC with RACsuccess

The RACsuccess Package is a collection of 40 video clips and 2 informational guides for both buyers and coders of the Rent a Coder (RAC) website. It is offered by RACsuccess and presents a large variety of advanced topics to aid freelance businesses in getting the most out of their RAC experience. The RACsuccess Package is offered as a small 5.8 MB downloadable application, either as a free trial or as a full package once you have purchased a license from RACsuccess.

When I installed it, I was delighted to see that I did not have to make any confusing installation decisions. Just let it load its own default configuration and it is done. When you first launch the package, it opens in full screen mode on your desktop. The welcome screen uses a pleasing color palette in two subtle shades of calming blue. However, just click on SETTINGS in lower left corner and you will be allowed to change the background and text colors of that window to be any combination you wish.

Also on the left-hand panel of the RACsuccess Package application are two links with international style icons to access the guides and videos that will take you to the appropriate area of the program for viewing the videos or reading the guides. When you are on either the video or the guide screen, you can choose either BUYER or CODER from drop-down menu. This makes it easy to know exactly which side of the fence you are on. And the exit button is easily found on the lower right corner.

Now, not only do the videos contain important information, the titles are easy to search for using the RACsuccess Package's search interface on the video page. Sure, a specific video was easy to find, but how good are they? I have to say that they are superb. Not only are they varied in the information and tips presented, but they're also up-to-date with the latest information on how Rent A Coder works. The technical quality is consistent throughout all the clips, and they are all shown at an easily viewable full screen resolution of 1024x768, not the usual tiny 480x320 resolution you see on most website videos.

In fact, it changes whatever your current display settings are to its own 1024 x 768 every time it opens to make the experience of watching the videos more enjoyable at almost full screen resolution. Of course, your original screen resolution is always changed back to your original settings whenever you minimize or close the RACsuccess Package, so the effect is only temporary.

There is one thing this package cannot do; there is no search function for the guides, but the very precise and explicit table of contents should be all you need to find the proper page in a guide. Just enter the page number of the specific page you want to navigate to based on the table of contents.Can you just use it wherever you want to? The short answer is yes, you can use many of the principles in the RACsuccess Package for any freelance bidding website you also be using, but much of the information presented is specific to Rent A coder.

The RACsuccess Package could become so popular (which is good news for affiliate members) that many buyers and coders will possess the package and use the same ideas that you do. So, with this kind of package, being an early purchaser is a significant advantage. But you will NEVER be at a disadvantage, even if you are late-comer, because these tips and tricks are solidly based on years of experience by Luis Lazo, the creator of the RACsuccess Package.

But all competition aside, a package such as this is invaluable for anyone, buyer or coder, beginner or experienced, who wants to use RAC to its fullest potential for their continued success.

I can't imagine how RACsuccess could have done a better job putting together a package such as this.

About the Author:

These are the
success secrets on how to succeed on Rent A Coder. The RACsuccess Package is the shortcut you need to succeed.