Ever have one of those days when everything just goes flat out wrong? You wake up in the morning, knock the alarm clock off the night table and it shatters into pieces; you step on the cat getting out of bed; you discover you are out of shampoo; and you didn't notice until you got out of the shower that your spouse took your only clean towel to the laundry by mistake and it's now wetter and soapier than you are.
And then you settle down to a bowl of soggy cornflakes for breakfast as you log into Rent A Coder (RAC) and find that the project you have been working on has gone into arbitration because your mediation with the buyer last week failed. Your precious coder rating is now at risk. Welcome to Monday!
How could this have been avoided? Well, an unbreakable alarm clock might be a good investment and closing the door to keep the cat out of.... Oh! You mean the arbitration! Sorry, got carried away there.
Well, I have the answer! Or rather, RACsuccess has the answer. You see, they have a FREE 14-page report on their website called: "Formal arbitration and how to avoid it" which was written by the founder of RACsuccess, Luis Lazo. He's had years of experience as both a buyer and a coder on Rent A Code and his advice is worth listening to.
If you have read Rent A Coder's legally binding Custom Software Seller/Buyer Agreement (you did read it when you signed up, didn't you?), then you know that mediation is a diplomatic negotiation between both parties where both parties compromise and win; and arbitration is more like going to a court trial where somebody is going to lose. So, you can probably understand why formal arbitration is feared by anyone in Rent a Coder. It can compromise the rating of the coder or the buyer, even though arbitration really is a good process for protecting both parties’ interests. Self-mediation is another related process. That one can't be avoided and occasionally everyone uses it. It's the first step before formal mediation, and can often prevent a dirty snowball from creating an avalanche of arbitration headaches.
So, in this FREE 14-page report, Luis Lazo gives everyone a BIG secret for how to avoid this whole mess. It's just one very powerful secret that shows you how you can avoid formal arbitration and protect your coder/buyer rating. This report is for both beginner Rent a Coder users as well as for experienced users who may be surprised to learn how easy it really is to avoid arbitration after all.
Oh! And when you sign up at RACsuccess to get this FREE report, you also get access to 40 FREE videos that teach you everything you need to know about how to use Rent A Coder's site tools and how to find that Custom Software Seller/Buyer Agreement that you really need to read, if you haven't already.
And after you have read the FREE "Formal arbitration and how to avoid it" report from RACsuccess, you won't have to dread Mondays anymore.
About the Author:
The arbitration secret you need to know is in this free 14-page report: "Formal arbitration and how to avoid it". Get it now before it’s too late.